Checking your home’s indoor air quality is vital in keeping the family healthy. When you have contaminated indoor air, you allow access to airborne bacteria, mold, pollen, dust and many other allergens. However, using simple HVAC tactics, you can avoid unnecessary trips to the doctor due to allergies and respiratory problems. These solutions also help cut costs since your HVAC unit will work optimally for years. Our technicians at Oasis Heating & Cooling have been helping numerous homes in Nautical City enjoy the benefits of improved indoor air quality. You can also do the same using the following solutions we outline below.

Invest in Quality Products

The first step to enjoying a better indoor environment is investing in the best HVAC unit in the market. Getting a quality AC and heating unit allows you to enjoy energy efficiency, which leads to better airflow in all rooms. Therefore, you will enjoy better cooling, heating and moisture control. We have been in business for several years and can guide you in purchasing the best products to avoid constant repairs and high energy bills.

Change Air Filters

The filters in your HVAC units work by sieving dust, pollen and other unwanted particles coming through the vents. This means they may get clogged over time, leading to reduced airflow. Therefore, due to the obstruction, your furnace or AC will have difficulties supplying you with cool or hot air. However, when you replace the filters regularly, you will enjoy increased air circulation and improved air quality.

Regular Maintenance

How often do you schedule a maintenance check for your HVAC system in Nautical City? At Oasis Heating & Cooling, we recommend having annual assessments to help our technicians evaluate the functioning of your unit. These appointments are also a good platform for fixing minor issues that worsen over time. Therefore, when you regularly have these checks, you correct anything hindering your heating and cooling systems from working correctly.

Timely Repairs

HVAC systems malfunction occasionally, and you need to call for professional repairs as soon as you notice an issue. When you overlook a minor problem, it may result in a major breakdown that affects your heating or cooling unit. However, fixing issues when they arise enables the HVAC unit to restore optimal temperature regulation.

Some of the common signs you have HVAC issues that require prompt repairs include the following:

  • Reduced airflow
  • Noisy units
  • Indoor dust saturation
  • Mold and mildew
  • Increasing energy bills
  • Blinking thermostat
  • Short-cycling
  • Water pool around the AC

Seal Your Home

Keeping away the contaminated outdoor air is crucial to enjoy the best indoor environment. Our experts at Oasis Heating & Cooling recommend sealing your home to ensure only the vents are letting in the air. Cracks in the ducts, windows, doors or roofs may let in unfiltered air, interfering with your temperature regulation and letting in unwanted airborne particles. Therefore, you need to call for a professional to inspect your home for such spaces and have them sealed thoroughly. This way, you will only breathe air that passes through the filters, and your unit will have an easier time heating or cooling your house.

Keep the Home Clean

A clean home is an efficient way of helping your HVAC unit perform better. You should ensure your surfaces remain free of dust, fur and other tiny particles that may float in the air and affect your indoor air quality. This way, you reduce the workload of the air filters and enjoy an environment free of allergens.

Regulate Humidity Levels

The indoor moisture level significantly impacts your comfort, and you need to maintain it at a standard level. Summer brings in excess humidity, which makes people sweat excessively, and the air becomes stuffy. On the other hand, winter causes the air to become very dry, which may even cause your skin to become dry and cracked. However, with gadgets like a humidifier and a dehumidifier, you can regulate indoor moisture levels in different seasons. These units also help your HVAC system work better for a more comfortable home.

Get Professional Service

Our company has been serving the residents of Nautical City with quality heating, cooling and air quality solutions since 2007. We thrive by building long-term relationships that help our customers trust us whenever we visit their residences. Our experienced technicians at Oasis Heating & Cooling deliver services that surpass your expectations, thus improving our customer satisfaction level each time. We desire to see each of our clients enjoying excellent indoor air quality and energy efficiency for decades. Our team also installs and repairs heat pumps, boilers, AC units, and all furnaces in the area.

Contact Oasis Heating & Cooling for more information and book an appointment today.

Chase McGee

Content Writer

Chase is the lead content writer for Oasis HVAC.
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