You may not think about the air conditioning system in your home very often. We trust the system to keep us comfortable during the hot summer season. However, when a problem arises, if you’re like many homeowners, you quickly schedule an appointment for service with a trusted HVAC company. Instead of waiting for trouble to arise before giving attention to your unit, consider the reasons why you should look into upgrading to an energy-efficient system now. This is especially true as your current system ages.

Better for the Environment

Investing in energy-efficient options is smart and empowering as a global citizen. By upgrading to an energy-efficient air conditioner, you can make a positive difference environmentally. You can ask our team members about other climate-friendly improvements you might make to your home as well.

Decreased Energy Bills

One of the most attractive reasons to upgrade to an energy-efficient air conditioning unit is to save money. You might worry about the cost of the upgrades. However, do a cost comparison to see how much the upgrade will save you in the long term. By putting money into this important update, you can see savings each month. Inefficient units requiring regular AC repair can quickly drain your pocketbook in the long run. One of our team members can give you an estimate on the cost of a newer unit, allowing you to see the difference it could make in your monthly finances. Consider how the monthly savings outweigh the upfront investment.

Tax Rebate

Opting for an energy-efficient air conditioner can boost your finances in another way too. Some homeowners are entitled to a tax rebate. Speak with one of our team members to learn more about what you need to do in order to potentially qualify for this rebate and other incentives.

Smoother Operations

A variety of reasons can lead to your air conditioner using up more energy than is necessary or appropriate. For example, the age of your unit alone can be the cause of increased energy usage. Newer models typically have more energy-efficient features than older ones. If your current unit begins to have malfunctioning components or parts that are leading to increased use of energy, opting for an upgrade will help your home stays cooler and more comfortable.

More Control

When you upgrade to a newer and more energy-efficient model, you can also add other features not available in years past. For example, you could opt to get a smart system. With a smart air conditioner unit, you can control the system no matter where you are. In addition to the system automatically functioning at a more energy-efficient level, you can also raise the temperature remotely. For example, if you’re out at work and you see that the outdoor temperature is decreasing more rapidly than you expected when you left home earlier in the day, you can turn up the temperature in the house from your office. Also, you can set the timer to adjust temperatures automatically at certain times of the day.

Increased Value in the Market

Getting your air conditioning system upgraded to a more energy-efficient model can be a particularly smart idea if you’re planning to sell your home. Many buyers are looking for houses with energy-efficient features. Being able to advertise your house as having energy-efficient air conditioning can help to get more prospective buyers through the door. In addition to promoting increased traffic, you can also potentially make more money on the sale. Conduct some research on houses that were recently sold in your neighborhood. Doing so can boost your confidence in getting an energy-efficient air conditioner prior to selling your home.

Contact Us

Here at Oasis Heating & Cooling, we pride ourselves on offering stellar service to Grosse Point, MI and the surrounding areas. Since 2007, we have worked to make homeowners more comfortable inside their homes. Our award-winning team members are experts in heating and cooling repair, maintenance, and installation.

We can also work on furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers. Conducting indoor air quality checks is another one of our specialties. Make sure to ask about our special offers, such as any current deals and financing options. To inquire about more energy-efficient air conditioning units for your home or to book other services, contact Oasis Heating & Cooling today.

Chase McGee

Content Writer

Chase is the lead content writer for Oasis HVAC.
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