Even with the mediating effect of Lake St. Clair, winters in the Pointes can still get very cold. At Oasis HVAC, we’re proud to be the best radiant flooring installation company serving the Grosse Pointes because we know that it offers a comfortable heating option for a variety of housing styles. We’ve served our neighbors from just across the border in St. Clair Shores since 2008, ensuring that we always perform to the utmost standards.

    Fair Pricing, Even on Complex Projects

    Radiant floor heating is an investment in long-term comfort for your family and one that requires significant installation time and effort, up to two weeks in some cases. We stand behind our transparent pricing of equipment and labor because of our dedication to a positive reputation in our community.

    Experience Working with Historic Homes

    The Pointes’ housing stock is more diverse, older, and of higher quality than the surroundings. When we design and install radiant floor heating systems, we work within historical guidelines for flooring and ensure that your comfort does not come at the expense of your home’s value.

    Flexibility in Heating Types

    If you are already considering a radiant floor heating installation company, you may still have questions regarding hydronic vs. electric options, cables vs. mats, etc. We’re here to ensure that you get the result you want without having to worry about what goes on underneath the floor.


    Getting Your Radiant Heating Installed

    The actual steps of getting a radiant floor system installed and ready for winter are normally straightforward unless additional permits are required.

    Step Description
    Step 1: Assessment An Oasis radiant heating specialist visits your Grosse Pointe home to gather information about current heating gaps and goals for a radiant floor heating system, as well as to take notes on construction and insulation practices throughout the structure.
    Step 2: Design Once you and your Oasis team agree on goals, budget, and other criteria, the team builds a radiant heating system custom-designed for your home. The team selects between electric and hydronic, whether to use existing heating sources or new ones, and how best to lay out the heating elements or pipes.
    Step 3: Preparation When it’s convenient for homeowners and their families, Oasis’ installation team removes the existing flooring, adds a layer of insulation to protect sub-flooring and moderate heat output, and may pour a new concrete slab in areas where necessary given age or deterioration.
    Step 4: Installation Based on the design stage, and whether the system is hydronic or electric, Oasis technicians begin laying out piping for hydronic systems to maximize heat dispersal or cabling/mats in the case of electric systems using resistive heat. In some cases, there may be initial tests for functionality using ammeters or fluid analysis.
    Step 5: Flooring Re-Installation or Replacement Once everything is in place, contractors will replace the flooring per the homeowners’ goals for either replacing or refinishing the flooring. When it is properly installed, there is little sign that the system is even there.
    Step 6: Connection and Testing The final step is connecting everything and ensuring that it is working properly. Technicians will either connect the hose lines to a boiler or the electric resistive mats and cables to a power source and cycle through the various settings. Once they are confident everything is in order, you can enjoy your new, gentle heating source.


    Ensuring that Radiant Floor Heating Makes Sense for Your Home’s Style

    With the sheer number of historic homes in the five Grosse Pointes, understanding the installation process is crucial because of both the different styles of older homes and the possibility of needing permits.

    In all cases, the existing flooring has to come up. In homes with historic paneling, this may mean that other heating options make more sense. To minimize the impact on a home, it can also be very helpful for radiant floor heating installation to occur at the same time that flooring is repaired or replaced.

    In addition, the general ideal temperature range for both electric and hydronic systems is a floor maximum of 85 degrees, which translates into a room feeling like 75 degrees. These numbers are based on homes with relatively modern insulation, however. Radiant floor heating may not work as well in some period-correct homes where they would serve best as supplementary options.

    For information on more specific types of homes, we created a small table of some prominent styles and how radiant heating can help:

    Home Style Radiant Floor Heating Best Practices
    Tudor Revival Complex layouts and multiple stories can make heating difficult to manage. Radiant options are great fits for first-floor gaps in heating capability.
    Craftsman and Bungalow Craftsman and bungalow-style homes are often smaller in square footage with most activity on the first floor. Radiant floor heating is a great fit for these styles of homes.
    Mid-Century Modern Mid-century modern homes were not built for comfort during Michigan winters, and having a radiant floor heating system can help alleviate some of the temperature escaping open floor plans and large floor-to-ceiling windows.
    Victorian and Neo-Colonial Victorian-era homes often have high ceilings that can let heat escape and lead to drafty conditions. Having the heat source directly on the floor puts the warmth where people are in the space.


    Frequently Asked Questions about Radiant Floor Heat Installation

    Can I install radiant floor heating systems under my hardwood floors?

    It’s possible but it can be fairly expensive because of the detailed work involved in preserving each piece of hardwood. We recommend installing radiant floor heating systems when you are already planning on restoring or replacing existing flooring.

    How long does it take to install a system?

    With Grosse Pointe homes, system installation is generally a question of how many rooms will be getting electric cables/mats or hydronic piping. The shortest time frame is several days but it can take up to two weeks for a whole home.

    Will I have to worry about my furniture being protected?

    Since radiant heating is no warmer than the average person, any antique furniture that people can still use should be fine in areas prepared for radiant floor heat installation.

    Can I set the temperature differently in different rooms of my home?

    Yes, absolutely. Both hydronic and electric systems are offered with zoning, like other HVAC systems. You can set temperatures based on who is using which room.

    Will I have to worry about pets or kids with the heated floors?

    Just like antique furniture, but far more valuable in some ways, pets and kids both tend to enjoy the benefits of heated floors. When properly installed and monitored, there is little to no risk involved and less than either touching exposed radiators, for example.

    What are the efficiency ratings and resale implications for a radiant floor system?

    Generally speaking, radiant floor heating is more efficient than forced-air systems because there is no air to escape through insulation gaps, windows, etc. In the five Grosse Pointes, radiant home heating is often seen as a benefit for its ability to improve comfort without affecting the existing design of homes.


    Oasis HVAC Is Your Radiant Floor Heating Installation Expert in the Grosse Pointes

    Radiant floor heating installation is a more involved process than other HVAC solutions because the result should be invisible to the naked eye. With that level of expertise required, it is crucial to choose the HVAC contractor that can work within homes of all ages with equal commitment to quality.

    Oasis HVAC has been serving the five Grosse Pointes since 2008 from nearby St. Clair Shores. We take pride in our transparency, commitment to detail, and adherence to even tight renovation schedules. Call us today or fill out the submission form to schedule your radiant heating assessment or ask any last questions you might have.